The samurai (or bushi) were the members of the military class, the Japanese warrior. Samurai employed a range of weapons, but their most famous weapon and their symbol was the sword. Samurai were supposed to lead their lives according to the code of Bushido (``the way of the warrior``).
quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2009
Kenjutsu is the samurai's sword art. It requires the use of swords (katana, wakizashi). Kenjutsu involves high commitment and have a strong side of spiritual and philosophical study. This art was studied and praticed by the samurai's since the 11th century. In the 16th century, there was an explosion of styles (Heiho, Kenpo, Toho, Gekken, Hyodo, Tojutsu, Tachiuchi).
Bushido, meaning `` Way of the Warrior``, is a Japanese code of conduct and a way of the samurai life.
Bushido developed between the 9th to 12th centuries and numerous documents dating from the 12th to 16th centuries demonstrate its wide influence across Japan.
Differences of Japanese swords
Usually people do not differentiate the Japanese swords and think that all are Katana.
Once I saw on the Internet: `` Katana of various sizes: 54cm, 68cm, 94cm, 108cm ``. The sword of 54cm is a Wakizashi , 68cm is a Katana, 94cm and 108cm are a Tachi.
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